​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
Volunteer Opportunities
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park is maintained exclusively by volunteers. The Park has no paid employees and volunteers are a necessity!
Clubs and/or individuals can be a valuable asset! Join us in preserving the legacy of the Alabama Veterans Memorial Park. AVMF applauds the great service provided by our dedicated volunteers!
For more information or to volunteer contact info@alabamaveterans.org or call 205-306-3064.
Listed below are a few of the ways Individuals and Groups can be of service.
1. Help prepare for the Park’s two major events which are held the Sunday afternoon before Veterans Day and the Sunday afternoon preceding the Memorial Day Weekend. Before each ceremony the Park sponsors a workday for general clean up and repair as well as a final clean-up on the morning of the event. ​

2. Volunteer at the event to welcome visitors, guide them to the venue, hand out waters, drive golf carts, direct the parking, assist with special displays, etc.​

3. Be on our call list for assistance when needed such as clearing the path from a fallen tree, picking up trash, helping to replace a flag or even to offer special skills such as plumbing repairs.