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AVMF Patriotic Essay Competition

2024  Patriotic Theme:  “How are you Inspired by Veterans”.

The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation is sponsoring  a youth essay competition to give 4th, 5th and 6th graders an opportunity to write an essay expressing their views on the 2024 patriotic theme. “How are you Inspired by Veterans.”  This inaugural 2024 competition is an optional activity for students in the Mountain Brook City Schools.  The winners will be recognized at the November 3, 2024,  Patriotic Ceremony at 1:30PM at the Alabama Veterans Memorial Park (I-459 and Liberty Parkway Exit).  
Students with the winning essays will also be eligible to win money and get recognition.  Each grade will be judged separately and five winners will be selected from each grade.  The following prizes will be awarded for winning essays:  1st prize, $100 plus medallion and certificate;  2nd prize, $75 plus medallion and certificate;  3rd prize, $50 plus medallion and certificate;  two honorable mentions with medallions and certificate.    

Each winning essay will be published after November 3, 2024 on the AVMF website ( 

Link to November 3, 2024 Winning Essays (TBD)
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