​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
Medal of Honor Recipients from Alabama
The Medal of Honor is the United States of America's highest military honor, awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty. The medal is awarded by the President of the United States in the name of Congress to US military personnel only. There are three versions of the medal; one for the Army, one for the Navy, and one for the Air Force. Personnel of the Marine Corps and Coast Guard receive the Navy version.​ The Medal of Honor is usually presented by the President at the White House in a formal ceremony intended to represent the gratitude of the American people, with posthumous presentations made to the primary next of kin. In 1990, Congress designated March 25 annually as "National Medal of Honor Day". Due to its prestige and status, the Medal of Honor is afforded special protection under U.S. law against any unauthorized adornment, sale, or manufacture, which includes any associated ribbon or badge. Although the medal is sometimes referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor, the original and official name is simply the "Medal of Ho​nor."

Army Medal of Honor

Navy/Marines/Coast Guard
Medal of Honor

Air Force Medal of Honor