​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
Lesson 8E: The War on Terror from 9/11 to 9/11 Twenty Years
A Social Studies Lesson Plan Developed for
Upper Elementary (4-6) and Middle School (7-8)
Push pins
Chromebooks or another computer per group
To be printed for distribution to Students:
Twenty-Year Graphic Organizer for Afghanistan - one for each student
Eight-Year Graphic Organizer for Iraq – one for each student
Alabamians Who Died Graphic Organizer – one for each student
Alabama List of Casualties Handout - Teachers may decide to provide link for students instead of printing this list for each group. The names listed in the Alabama List of Casualties Handout are the same as those listed in the link: https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2021/09/911-20th-anniversary-remembering-140-of-alabamas-fallen-soldiers.html
Links for use in Lesson Plan presentation:
Timeline of US Involvement in Afghanistan: https://www.cfr.org/timeline/us-war-afghanistan
Timeline of US involvement in Iraq: https://www.cfr.org/timeline/iraq-war
List of Alabama soldiers killed in War on Terror: https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2021/09/911-20th-anniversary-remembering-140-of-alabamas-fallen-soldiers.html
Alabama Veterans Memorial Park in Birmingham: www.alabamaveterans.org
Teacher Information: