​​​​​​​​​​​Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park
American Flag Plaza
with Veterans StepStone Courtyard
The Alabama Veterans Memorial Foundation believes that every veteran deserves a tangible way of being publicly recognized for his or her service. Whereas the Memorial Plaza was created to honor Alabamians only, the American Flag Plaza is dedicated to all veterans who have served or all men and women who are currently serving from any State, giving them a special place of remembrance.
The American Flag Plaza is at the end of the Memorial Trail. In the middle of the Plaza is a 120 foot-tall flag pole with the American flag flying from the top. This flag can be seen from cars traveling on I-459 as they pass the Liberty Parkway exit.

Encircling the flag pole are very special 4 inch by 8 inch brick pavers, called StepStones. These StepStones have been engraved with a veteran’s name, rank, and branch of service. The honored veteran can be from any service time, any state and any branch; they may be deceased or living; or, currently serving. Also, a military unit or a military-affiliated organization may be honored with a StepStone.
Anyone can honor a veteran by purchasing a StepStone for a $100 donation.
Click here to see the list of currently installed StepStones...